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New Age AI Jobs

Perplexity Pages: The End of Wikipedia?

Have you heard about the latest innovation from

They've launched Perplexity Pages, which some are dubbing the "Wikipedia AI."

How does it differ from Wikipedia? Let's break it down:

Is Wikipedia Finished?

Not necessarily. Wikipedia excels in its extensive content and community-driven updates.

My Perspective:

Wikipedia remains the internet's go-to encyclopedia, while Perplexity Pages offers a dynamic, customizable platform akin to a personal digital notebook. It’s ideal for managing detailed projects or building niche communities.

Curious to learn more about Perplexity Pages?

Try Albus: No Risk, All Reward

Let’s take a moment and thank our sponsor for this edition— Albus!

Here is a message from them👇

We understand that subscribing to a service without fully grasping its benefits can feel risky.

That’s why we offer a free forever plan. This way, you can truly test if Albus is the right fit for you—no strings attached.

The Future of AI: Transforming Everyday Tools

AI is set to enhance the everyday tools we already use, not just remain in chat apps.

A Revolution is Coming!

Curious for more details?

Which tool do you think AI will transform next?

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There are a lot of productivity tools; here are my top picks for your workplace:

SPACETOP: The AR laptop for work

AI flashcards: perfect for quick lookup on “anything”

Browse: Train a robot in 2 minutes to extract and monitor data from any website

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