AI Trivia x Rewards

Trophies of the week

Quick question: Do you ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to tackle your endless to-do list at work?

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Imagine you're working on a big project, and you need to find information fast. But, your stuff is all over the place—in slack, on different websites, or buried in files on Google Drive or Notion.

You end up spending a lot of time just looking for things instead of actually working. This can be really frustrating and make it hard to get your work done on time.

Fun Fact
57% of executives would invest in AI and automation in the event of an economic downturn (Source)

How do you believe AI and automation investments will impact employee morale during an economic downturn?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

Cut through the clutter with Arc Search

Arc Search isn't like other browsers. It's made my online experience way better, and I think it can do the same for you.

AI Triviaaaa: Minute to win it

Get ready to test your AI knowledge with our Weekly AI Challenger!

Every week, we'll pose a few questions, and you can win 1 month of Albus free (worth $49.95 USD for your team) at the end of the month.

1. In what area is Robotic Process Automation (RPA) commonly applied to improve efficiency?

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2. Which AI technology is widely used for customer service automation?

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I hear you: Share your story

How do you like our revamped newsletter?

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Got a stress challenge you're facing? Share it with us, and let's tackle it together in our next edition. Your story could be the key to unlocking someone else's solution.

What are the stats saying?

In our latest report, The State of AI and Productivity in 2024 we found out that

79% are open to using AI but don’t know AI tools for productivity that are comprehensive.


As the survey suggests, the need of the hour is a comprehensive, nuanced solution - something that is intuitive, quick, and intelligent - we recommend Albus.

For a deeper understanding of how ALBUS works and how it can be a game changer for your organization - dive into our latest report, The State of AI and Productivity in 2024, for eye-opening solutions!